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Professional Liability of Legal Entities

Why Euroins? 
  • We provide coverage at the minimum required limits
  • Option to choose voluntary, higher limits 
  • Pay annualy or by installments

What is this insurance?

We cover damages to third parties in connection with the exercise of a certain profession or activity. 

What does the insurance cover?

  • We reimburse costs and compensation for damages caused as a result of your actions or inactions during the validity period of the policy.

Who can be insured?

  • Medical staff;
  • Notaries; 
  • Lawyers;

  • Insurance brokers; 
  • Private bailiff; 

  • Trustee; 
  • Persons exercising a profession or activity not specified above - mountain guides, veterinarians and others.

Where does the insurance apply?

On the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Insurance conditions 

What is the duration of the Insurance cover?

For a period of 1 year. 

What are the limits of liability?

Liability limits are determined based on the profession or activity in connection with which the insurance is concluded.

Necessary documents for taking out insurance:
  • Questionnaire
  • List of insured persons - when insuring a group of persons 
  • Other documents - additional documents requested in connection with the issuance of a policy or an addendum to it (including licenses, a copy of registration coupons)


Where can I buy insurance?

How can I pay the insurance policy premium?

When does the insurance contract come into force?

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Other insurances suitable for you

Motor CASCO Insurance
car insurance euroins
Motor CASCO Insurance

Insure your motor vehicle against total loss or partial damage.

Domestic or work accident insurance
Domestic or work accident insurance
Domestic or work accident insurance

We cover expenses and benefits related to a domestic or occupational accident.

Fire and Other Risks
Fire and Other Risks
Fire and Other Risks

Insure your property used for business, production or administrative activities.

Group Medical Insurance
euroins health financial
Group Medical Insurance

We reimburse medical expenses related to services and health goods in terms of Outpatient and Inpatient medical care.