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Travel Assistance Abroad – Traveler

With your insurance, you ensure peace of mind during your travels.

You will receive assistance in case of issues,

support, and compensation in the event of an accident or unforeseen circumstances.


Check the validity of your "Travel Assistance Abroad - Traveler" insurance here!

What is this insurance?

You will receive medical assistance in case of accident or illness and reimbursement of expenses incurred during your trip abroad.

We also reimburse additional costs incurred as a result of:

  • theft of luggage;
  • loss or delay of baggage;
  • flight delay of more than 5 hours;
  • dropping a connecting flight;
  • shortening or extending the stay abroad.

The insurance is suitable for all travelers outside the country for tourism, work, or sports purposes, and is tailored for Bulgarian, European, and foreign citizens alike.

Why should i get "Travel Assistance Abroad - Traveler" insurance in Euroins?

  • You get the opportunity for coverage worldwide
  • We provide 24/7 assistance with support in Bulgarian via phone and an online chatbot from anywhere in the world
  • A wide range of insurance coverage options
  • Competitive pricing conditions

Purchase "Travel Assistance Abroad - Traveler" insurance online through the MyEuroins portal. After successful payment, all documents are instantly sent via email.

What does the insurance cover? 

Main covers

You can choose between two options:


Basic coverage

  • medical expenses; 
  • emergency dental care; 
  • medical repatriation; 
  • repatriation of mortal remains; 
  • repatriation of persons under 18; 
  • Third-party liability insurance.



Extended coverage

  • medical expenses; 
  • emergency dental care; 
  • medical repatriation; 
  • repatriation of mortal remains; 
  • repatriation of persons under 18;
  • visit during hospitalization;
  • theft of luggage; 
  • loss or delay of baggage; 
  • flight delay of more than 5 hours;
  • dropping a connecting flight; 
  • shortening or extending the stay abroad.


Additional covers

For better coverage, extend your Traveler insurance with one or more additional options.

Each additional cover is selected only in combination with one of the main options.

  • salvage costs;
  • worsening of a chronic disease;
  • pregnancy complications after 26 years of age;
  • substitute staff;
  • permanently reduced working capacity as a result of an accident; 
  • death due to an accident (not covered for minors).


Where does the insurance apply?

You can choose territorial coverage options from Europe to the whole world. 

  • The insurance does not apply to the country of the insured

person's nationality or permanent address.

Insurance conditions 

What is the duration of the Insurance cover?

The insurance is valid for either one day or one year, depending on the duration of your stay abroad.

The insurance must be purchased before the start of the trip. The coverage begins on the date and time specified as the start in the policy, provided the insurance premium has been paid, and ends on the date and time specified as the end, or when the liability limit is exhausted, or upon the insured person's return from abroad, whichever comes first.

What is the Sum Insured?

 From €2,000 to €100,000.

Where can I purchase "Travel Assistance Abroad - Traveler" insurance?

"Travel Assistance Abroad - Traveler" insurance can be purchased at any Euroins office, through insurance intermediaries who are our partners, or online, receiving all documents immediately to the specified email.

Where can I pay for "Travel Assistance Abroad - Traveler" insurance?

You can pay for "Travel Assistance Abroad - Traveler" insurance at any Euroins office, within our partner network, via bank transfer, or online at

The insurance is paid in a single payment before the start date of the coverage.

Необходими документи за сключване на застраховка:
  • Документ за самоличност
Често задавани въпроси по застраховка "Помощ при пътуване в чужбина".


Пълната информация за продукта и как да си осигурите защита по време на Вашия туристически или бизнес престой в чужбина може да откриете в приложените документи.


In which countries is "Assistance for traveling abroad" insurance valid?

How can I purchase 'Travel Assistance Abroad - Traveler' insurance?

I have a Travel Assistance? What should I do in case of an insured event abroad?

Which assistance company do you work with?

Do you cover Covid 19 under Travel Assistance and Trip Cancellation insurance?

How can I pay the insurance policy premium?

When does the insurance contract come into force?

How long is the insurance valid?

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