What is this insurance?
The mandatory Motor Third-Party Liability (MTPL) insurance for motorists covers the following vehicles: passenger cars, light and heavy commercial vehicles, mopeds and motorcycles, tractors, buses, trailers and semi-trailers, trolleybuses, agricultural, construction, in-plant, wheeled, and tracked machinery.
Why should I get Motor Third-Party Liability (MTPL) insurance in Euroins?
- Legal assistance in case of a road accident
- Driver and Passenger Accident Insurance
- Roadside Assistance
- Notification of upcoming installment
- Pay annualy or by installments
Purchase "Motor Third-Party Liability" insurance online through the MyEuroins portal. After successful payment, all documents are immediately received via email and courier.
What does the insurance cover?
- The liability of the driver/owner/keeper of the motor vehicle for damages caused by him to third parties while driving and parking.
Additional voluntary coverages
For better coverage we recommed a Combined Car Policy with one or more of the following options:
Accident Legal Aid Insurance
Provides consultations and the opportunity to use legal services in the case of road accidents with injured persons.
Driver and Passenger Accident Insurance
Provides coverage for all seats in the vehicle, including the driver.
Roadside Assistance Insurance
Ensures the use of roadside assistance in case of road accidents and preventive road accidents.
Where does the insurance cover apply?
The "Green Card" certificate is an international document that is recognized by all member states in the Green Card system. It certifies that the owner has concluded and valid MTPL insurance and covers the liability of the driver of the motor vehicle in a third country in the event that it causes property and/or non-property damage to third parties.
Motor Third Party Liability insurance is valid in Bulgaria and abroad:
- All member states of the European Union, including the Republic of Bulgaria;
- Serbia and North Macedonia;
- Turkey and Switzerland.
Insurance conditions
What is the duration of the Insurance cover?
Motor Third Party Liability insurance is valid for a period of 1 year from the date and time of the start of the policy.
The conclusion of the insurance for a shorter period, but not less than 30 days, is permissible only in the cases provided for in the Insurance Code.
Check the validity of your Euroins policy here.
What is the liability limit?
The amounts are advertised according to Art. 492 of the Insurance Code - BGN 10,420,000 for each event for non-property and property damage as a result of bodily injury or death.
Up to BGN 2,100,000 for each property damage event.
Where can you buy MTPL insurance?
Motor Third Party Liability insurance can be taken out at any Euroins office, online or through insurance intermediaries who are our partners.
Where can I pay for "Motor Third-Party Liability" insurance?
You can make payments for Motor Third-Party Liability insurance and its installments at any Euroins office, through our partner network, via bank transfer, and online at www.euroins.bg.
Necessary documents for MTPL insurance:
- Copy of the registration certificate - when the vehicle is registered
- Sales contract or invoice - upon change of ownership or when the motor vehicle is a new import
- Customs declaration (if available)
Necessary actions when changing ownership of a motor vehicle?
The seller and the buyer are obliged to notify the insurer in writing of the transfer within 7 (seven) days in order to be issued the necessary annex.
Frequently asked questions about motor third party liability insurance.
Terms used:
MTPL - Motor Third Party Liability
Road accident - Road traffic accident
What happens in the event of an unpaid Motor Third Party Liability insurance?
When taking out the policy with a single instalment, it is terminated when the insurance premium is not or partially paid at the exact time of day indicated as its start. When taking out a policy with multiple instalments, it is terminated when the first installment is not or is partially paid at the exact time of day specified as its start. In the event of non-payment or partial payment of an installment by the due date recorded in the policy, the insurance policy coverage is terminated at 24:00 hours on the 15th day from the due date of the unpaid or partially paid deferred installment or another term expressly recorded in the policy .
Is MTPL Insurance mandatory?
Are there penalties for driving without MTPL Insurance?
How do I check if I have valid MTPL insurance in Euroins?
How can I cancel a MTPL policy?
- expiration of the term for which it was concluded;
- in case of total damage to the car, for which the recovery of damages exceeds 70% of its actual value;
- in the event of termination of registration of the insured motor vehicle;
- in the event of a change of ownership of the insured motor vehicle within 7 days from the date of sale.
What should I do if I am involved in a road accident abroad and have a valid MTPL policy?
Attached to the policy are instructions on what to do in case of green card damage
Notify the local control authorities and do not sign a document in a foreign language with content that is not clear to you.
Where can I buy MTPL insurance?
Does MTPL apply abroad? What should I do when traveling abroad by car?
When can I file a claim?
For example: In the case of "Fire", "Theft", as well as in case of damage abroad under "Motor Vehicle Casco" insurance, it is necessary to notify us immediately, as well as the competent authorities.
You can see more information in the "Damage" section
In what period will my insurance compensation be paid?
What should I do in case of claim? Who and how to inform?
You can find information on the necessary actions and deadlines for filing claims under different types of insurance in the "Damages" section
I sold my car. Do I need to let you know? And the buyer?
Do I need to put on the MTPL Sticker on my windshield?