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January 2024

Online chat bot for Euroins customers on "Travel Assistance Abroad - Traveler"


At the beginning of 2024, "Euroins" and the assisting company for travel insurance claims abroad "Euro Center" created an online chat bot to improve the quality of the services they offer to their customers.

Through the online chat, customers who have concluded "Travel Assistance Abroad" insurance and need assistance during their stay abroad, will be able to receive immediate information about the nearest medical facilities worldwide, make an appointment for review or to register an insured event on their travel insurance.

The chat bot is developed in Bulgarian and is available from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. bulgarian time.

Euro-Center is one of the world’s leading companies in the fields of medical assistance, travel assistance and insurance claims handling. Since 2009, we have been part of the prestigious reinsurance company Munich Reinsurance Company

A link to the chatbot can be found here.